Pete Bracey
Dave Collinson
Mark Savory
Stiofan Doherty
James Whitley
Andrew Jenkins
Adam Paine
Lizzie Paine
Martin Brace
Ben Wilson
Charlotte Dean
Keith Golds
Moved to 1 st August at Cricketers, after joint training session with the youths.
SD to promote on Spond and socials.
No awards to be given out - will be awarded after first preseason game instead.
Non-elected positions available:
Fixtures (Alex Webb)
Social Sec (JW interested)
Matchday Officer (BW)
Groundsman (Simon and BW?)
Safeguarding Officer (Shelly Westwood?)
VP Sec (DC and PB to continue?)
Youth Chairman (committee to elect).
SD has got minutes from last AGM from Cecil.
JW will bring his coaching friend to next training session.
David Toone at Herts RFU to be contacted regarding coaching candidates.
Youth Team
£85 Youth Membership.
Want to get youth advertising in local secondary schools. AP has created poster.
Formal announcement of youth team to be posted on all social media before AGM.
LP has reached out to a company for shirts, has two examples and will bring finished product
next meeting.
Extras that youth can buy include training shirts, shorts, hoodies and socks.
Signage for changing rooms has been created and can be put out on Sundays. Safeguarding
officers number and sign to keep adults out.
Promotional flag being sponsored and paid for by company run by one of the parents.
Still waiting for league announcement, should be end of July/start of August.
KG will send bank details to AP and LP.
Finalising membership packs which will be sent to committee for approval.
Dinner & Dance
Event made a loss of £217 even though it was a success.
Some people still owe money.
We now know our league and opponents, 9-team league, mainly teams we’ve played before.
No schedule for fixtures received yet.
Alex Webb will be taking over fixtures next season.